When your legs don't walk as they used to before, And I can't sweep you off of your feet Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheek? And darling....' Ed Sheeran sang on as Desmond listened with keen interest. Paying attention to each word in each line of the song. The song reminded him of so much that he wanted to forget. It brought back memories that brought pain. Quickly, he tuned in to another radio station and the voice of Doris took over the room. She was talking about love, he didn't like the subject because he didn't like love. He tuned in to another station and Ed Sheeran was still there still thinking out loud. Maybe all the radio stations had conspired to make his night hell. He turned off his radio. He was going to sleep but sleep like his peace of mind had eluded him. His mind became the radio, it played the song and he could not turn it off. He didn't know how or when his mind dived i...