what does it mean to accept? when you hear acceptance what comes to mind? Acceptance is a noun with divers meaning but i will just give a few definitions of acceptance. Acceptance means the act of receiving something offered. Like when someone offers a gift and you take it, it means acceptance Acceptance also means an act of assenting or believing. Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognising a process or condition (most likely a negative, an unpleasant, uncomfortable and the 'i can not do anything about it' situation) without attempting to change it or protest it. Eckhart Tolle defines acceptance as a 'this is it' response to anything occurring in any moment of life. most people are caught up in the struggle against reality, trying constantly to fight and change their situation which is their reality without realising that in the struggle they lost their true self, they lost the chance to be a better person...