what does it mean to accept?  when you hear acceptance what comes to mind? Acceptance is a noun with divers meaning but i will just give a few definitions of acceptance.

Acceptance means the act of receiving something offered. Like when someone offers a gift and you take it, it means acceptance

Acceptance also means an act of assenting or believing.

Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognising a process or condition (most likely a negative, an unpleasant, uncomfortable and the 'i can not do anything about it' situation) without attempting to change it or protest it.

Eckhart Tolle defines acceptance as a 'this is it' response to anything occurring in any moment of life. most people are caught up in the struggle against reality, trying constantly to fight and change their situation which is their reality without realising that in the struggle they lost their true self, they lost the chance to be a better person and even when the light is shining so bright, they don't get a glimpse of it because they have allowed themselves to be swallowed up by their own darkness and limited by the high walls that they have built around them and without the realisation that strength, peace, serenity, love,opportunity,happiness are available when one stops struggling to resist or hold on tightly to what is in any given moment.

some situations are so ugly that you ponder on how to accept it, like accepting it means you are crazy, but accepting it does not

mean you won't do anything about it, it means you will be in a better position, right frame of mind to act on it. it doesn't mean you cannot pray, it means having faith that all is well despite the circumstances. Just like someone who has been diagnosed of a deadly disease, if that person does not accept and look on the brighter side of life, that person is likely to die before the disease kills him or her. acceptance gives you the strength to live through an unpleasant situation and it does not mean you like or want to be in such a situation, it helps you to see the light, a light that will guide you to gloriousness.


Notice the word self? Self is an individual person as the object of his reflective consciousness. It is a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others. Self acceptance is loving and happy with who you are . It is an agreement with yourself to appreciate, validate,accept and support who you are.

Self acceptance needs no affirmation. We are self accepting when we are able to embrace and accept all facets of ourselves not just the positive parts. Self acceptance is unconditional. You do not need any validation or approval or qualification for self acceptance, it is free like that.

Self acceptance leads to a new life with new possibilities that did not exist before because you were distracted and caught up in the struggle against reality . People find it hard to accept themselves because they lack the willingness to. Some have the misconception that if you are happy with yourself you will not change things about yourself. This is not true, you don’t have to be unhappy with yourself to know and actively change things you don’t like.  Knowing all your weakness or foibles and still loving you is self acceptance. It requires that we develop more self-compassion. Only when we can better understand and forgive ourselves for our past mistakes can we secure the relationship to self that till now has eluded us.

Truth is, no one can love you better than you love yourself. I am not saying be selfish, i am not saying hate others, i am saying love yourself, appreciate you. No one can give what they don't have and until you learn to love yourself you might never be able to love others. Loving others in a state of not loving you will make nobody's love enough for you. Self acceptance is the key 🔑 take it and unlock🔓 your door of happiness.


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