Kurtney was the hottest girl on campus, guys called her the most beautiful, her skin glitters, her curve was something to die for, her body commanded a kind of stare, the kim kardashian body will compete and still not win her in a body contest. Old and young men wanted her. She was aware of her beauty and she carried herself so graciously, with confidence and style. She knew how to flaunt her beauty. She didn't need to read to pass, reading was too much of a hard work, she had beauty to make up for her brain, she liked the cliche 'use what you have to get what you want'.  Lord have mercy, she used hers well. She slept with all the male lecturers, yes, i mean all, who could resist her? There was no Joseph among them neither were there any Joseph on campus to run from this Potiphar's wife. Her cooch was a public one, it welcomed everyone that had a pud or something like that, as long as 'dem get money'. Her poon was like a ripe rotten mango that attracted all kinds of flies- big and small.

Ruth, she was not only the leader of the prayer band in her church, she also led at prayer gardens. Gush! Ruth could pray for hours, she spoke in tongues as she does her dialect. Sister Ruth, as fondly called by her church sisters and brothers was always waiting on God, by that I mean fasting.  She could fast for days without food, water, and probably didn't even swallow her saliva. She was intelligent, i dont know how, but she managed church and school so well. She was beautiful, her beauty cried for an exposure, she had that curve too but her clothes just wont reveal them. She had a mantra; ''my body is the Lord's temple''. She wanted to be successful, that kind of God's blessings that added no sorrow. She doubled-worked hard.

5 years later (presently)

A car splashed water on a lady standing beside the road probably waiting for a motor bike or a taxi. The driver is apologetic, stops the car and hurrys out to apologise to the lady. They are familiar with each other. Oh my God! I can't believe it, sister Ruth, Kurtney, they both chorused, they exchanged pleasantries. Ruth could not believe it. She heard sometime ago that kurtney was married to a senator,before her N.Y.S.C programme, and that dubai was like her back yard, the same kurtney she always preached to, the same kurtney she wanted to change her life, the same kurtney that never lit a candle in school, the same kurtney has the biggest shoprite in Lagos, and is married to a wealthy man with 2 kids, driving the latest sleek mercedes benz. There she was, with no job, no husband, has God forsaken her? When will God's time that is the best come? And how long will she wait?  The only thing she has is her bible, it is the only thing that has given her strength all this years, and strength is the only thing it ever gave her, not a job, not a husband, just strength to live each day hopeful of a better tommorow.

She drops her bible to face life anew, just like kurtney. She will look for a better name to suit her beauty.


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